The Limitations and Conditions of Living, 1997, Etching and Silkscreen. Print size: 31 X 15 inches (each).
The Limitations and Conditions of Living (Detail), 1997, Etching and Silkscreen. Print size: 31 X 15 inches (each).
The Limitations and Conditions of Living is an early work that represents the order, tradition, culture, and rules of which our society is composed—constraints that direct individuals to cooperate and submit. A set of six prints depicts cage-like architectural structures that serve as residences—a symbol of acceptance and submission, social rules and conditions. The running wheel suggests the revolving doors of modern business buildings, and the behaviors needed for survival: mice must run on the wheel to stay alive; individuals must engage with the world of commerce for their survival. The work as a whole suggests movement through space and time in a two-dimensional format. This is the first of my investigations that uses space as a medium to communicate ideas.